
Facebook Meta Ads

Facebook Meta Ads

This campaign was created to promote the free courses offered by Hadi E-Learning. We used Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram) to reach many people and encourage them to sign up for our courses.

Our main goal was to get as many people as possible to learn about and join our free courses.

Before starting the campaign, we researched the best ways to reach our audience. We found out where they spend time online and what kind of ads they respond to. This helped us create effective ads that many people would see and click on.

One of the biggest challenges was keeping the cost per click low while still reaching many people. We also worked hard to turn clicks into actual sign-ups for the courses.


  • Link Clicks: 5,638
  • Cost per Link Click: PKR 1.53
  • Amount Spent: PKR 8,652.40 (with a daily budget of PKR 500)
  • Reach: 130,598 people
  • Impressions: 263,109 times
  • Unique Link Clicks: 4,404
  • Website Leads: 166

We were able to reach many people and get a good number of them to click on our links and learn about our free courses.

Ready to boost your business with effective Meta Ads? Let’s work together to create your next successful campaign! Reach out to get started today!